Posted tagged ‘Trust and Reputation.’

Must Reads For The Week 2/14/15

February 14, 2015
The pen is mightier than the sword...

 The pen is mightier than the sword… (Photo credit: mbshane)


Uber For Helicopters In NYC, by Mark J. Perry, at The Uber model for transportation via helicopters. Gotham Air charges $219 per person. It would normally cost close to $1000 to charter a helicopter. Lower prices through technological advances in relatively free markets.

Cheap Gear Disrupts Commercial Video Industry, at This is how an economy is supposed to work. Prices should go down (deflation) over time as productivity and advancing technology make things less costly to produce. Most people think that increasing prices (inflation = printing money) is how an economy is supposed to work. Prices will generally go down if the money supply can’t be increased easily. Prices will go up if money can be created out of thin air via the printing press. I saw this at Mark J. Perry’s carpediem blog.

Theranos, With Walgreens, Revolutionizes Healthcare, at Technology is bringing down the cost of healthcare. Theranos can test blood for multiple medical conditions at a 50 to 90 percent lower cost needing only one drop of blood. Do you think the status quo testing labs are happy about this? No, but the consumer is. It will be interesting to see how technological advances like this lower the cost of healthcare while at the same time Obamacare is increasing the cost of healthcare. The Republicans shouldn’t be saying repeal and replace, they should be saying repeal and let the free market work it’s cost reducing magic. This is a great article that I saw at Mark J. Perry’s carpediem blog.


US Senator Demands A Federal Reserve Bailout Of Greece, at To the surprise of no one, self described democratic socialist Bernie Sanders wants The Fed to bailout his socialist buddies from Greece. Why would we do this when the first bailout of Greece didn’t work?

Prepare For Higher Gas Prices, at Oil refinery workers are going on strike led by the United Steel Workers union. Aren’t they being greedy?

Brian Williams SEAL Team Six Stories Latest To Come Under Fire, by Caitlin Dickson, at Brian Williams is channeling Forrest Gump. Except he is not as likable or believable as Forrest, Forrest Gump.

Gallup CEO Worried About “Suddenly Disappearing” For Truth Telling About The Real Umemployment Rate, at Either that or he will find a horse head in his bed.

Getting Serious About Keeping Children Safe, by Logan Albright, at You can never go too far when it comes to the safety of “the children”.

John Stossel – Trust And Reputation, at

Who do you trust? Businesses who are greedy for money that they won’t get unless you voluntarily give it to them in exchange for their product or service. Or politicians and bureaucrats who are greedy for power to make decisions concerning your life that you have to obey or else.