Posted tagged ‘Marx Taught In Colleges’

Must Reads For The Week 6/25/16

June 25, 2016

Democrats “Gun Control” Sit In Continues Into Its Second Day On House Floor, at In my post three days ago titled The Breakdown Of The Rule Of Law, I said we are acting like third world countries when it comes to settling differences. The way our democrat party aristocracy acted when they did not get their way on gun control is exactly how protesters acted in Wisconsin when Gov. Scott Walker’s agenda got passed into law. Most people can’t relate to people acting like this because most of us have dealt with spoiled kids who don’t get their way. “I want my bottle now!”

Why Terrorists Target Gun Free Zones, by John Lott, at John Lott is the go to guy when it comes to guns and crime. Terrorists are logical thinkers. They will attack targets that provide little or no resistance. They want more bang for the buck and a gun free zone means law-abiding citizens will not bring a gun to these places. Only law breakers will.

Rangle Says His constituents Shouldn’t Have To Carry A Gun, However Congress Needs To Be Protected By Them, at Do as I say, not as I do. Another example of our ruling aristocracy playing by different rules than the ruled. How can anyone take this man seriously after hearing what he said?

Higher Education’s Academic Monoculture, by Loyd S. Perregrew and Carol A. Vance, at Colleges indoctrinate their students into one way of thinking about economics. In a classic bait and switch tactic they call our current crony capitalist system free market capitalism and then trash it. They push central planning by Government as the fix for our current economic problems. The students don’t understand that intervention in the free market by central planners is what caused our problems in the first place. In this article by Tom Bemis titled, Karl Marx Is The Most Assigned Economist In U.S. College Classes, he shows the economists colleges pick for their students to read. I don’t care if students read Marx, Keynes, or Krugman. I just want them to also read equal amounts of Mises, Hayek, and Adam Smith. I trust the logic of free markets will win our over the illogic of central planning. This is the reason Socialist central planners don’t want their theories challenged. They want a monopoly on the material that is presented.

New Site Tries To Give Colorado Degree-Seekers A Return On Investment On Their Degrees, at is a site that tells students what they are likely to earn from their college degree. Just a guess but an engineering degree will probably return more than a women’s studies degree. Shockingly colleges aren’t happy with this site. They worry that: “…reducing the college experience to solely a monetary payoff sells short a higher ed experience. It could be a useful tool. But the value of a college education can’t be measured by a simple RIO. Part of the reason people go to college is to become well-rounded individuals.” I agree! How can you put a price on spending 4 or 5 years becoming a well-rounded partier. And of course the indoctrination that takes place can’t be measured.

Austin Goes Undercover In Sting Operation Targeting Underground Ridesharing, at Two points. 1) I love the spirit of the American Revolution that is represented in the black market operating in Austin. Austin got rid of Uber, but the market for ride sharing didn’t go away. It went underground. 2) It is going to get more difficult for central planners to control what people do. Why? Because technology has made it possible for individuals to go around through and over the road blocks the planners put in our way.

Uber Is Progress, So Why Aren’t Progressives On Board, by Steven Horwitz, at Progressives only see the status quo that’s in front of their nose. They are also central planners. Since Uber wasn’t planned by them, it can’t be good.

Obama’s Open Borders and Surging Deadly Disease In America, by Matthew Vadum, at This is not a shock. I went on the Ellis Island tour years ago and I learned that immigrants were quarantined and sent back if they had diseases. All the talk of fixing our broken immigration system can be fixed is two things were done. 1) enforce the laws currently on the books. 2) Streamline and lower the cost of the process for immigrants to legally become Americans. Unfortunately politicians want the issue and not a solution. They can make political hay if there isn’t a fix.

Deadlocked Supreme Court Blocks Obama’s Immigration Plans, at The President usurped power that the presidency doesn’t have. The office of the president is not allowed to legislate in this area. This is another example of the breakdown of the rule of law. The president said he didn’t have the power to do what he did and went for it anyway.

State Department Disabled Security Software To Allow Hillary’s Private Server EMails, at Upon further review that private server wasn’t a very good idea was it? But it doesn’t matter when the rules don’t apply to the ruling aristocracy.

Europe’s Robots To Become ‘Electronic Persons’ Under Draft Plan, at I thought this was from the Onion. Never underestimate central planners desire to grab as much power and money as they possibly can. Why do we continue to let foolishness like this stand?

America In Free Fall, at Victor Hanson gives an historical perspective of countries who have gone through social and economic turmoil. What lies ahead for America?