Posted tagged ‘Bill Clinton’s Home Ownership for America’

Must Reads For The Week 6/13/15

June 12, 2015
The pen is mightier than the sword...

 The pen is mightier than the sword… (Photo credit: mbshane)

Government Subsidies Helped Elon Musk Attain $13.3 Billion Net Worth, at Crony capitalist Elon Musk says his companies would still be in business without government assistance. Why doesn’t he try it without our tax dollars, just to see if he is right.

Obamacare Is Working Even Better Than President Obama Expected, by Peter Sunderman, at The president either had low expectations, or he expected healthcare premiums to “necessarily sky-rocket”.

Department Of Justice Uses Grand Jury Subpoena To Identify Anonymous Commenters On A Silk Road Post at Reason.Com, at A quote by George Washington comes to mind. “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force, like fire it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master.

Lake Wobegon On Steroids, Where All The Students Are Valedictorians, by Mark J. Perry, at Carpe Diem blog. From the article, “Roughly 20% of all graduating seniors at Dublin Ohio’s three high schools were awarded valedictorian status”.  With 222 recipients, there really is no status in being awarded valedictorian status.

Jail For Missed Days At School? The Madness Of Truancy Laws, by Walter Olson, at From the article. “Washington Post columnist Petula Dvorak has reported on a 13-year-old straight-A piano prodigy charged with truancy in D.C. for taking ten days off to play on international concert stages.” Remember the above quote by George Washington, “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force, like fire it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master.

Texas Police Officers Shutdown Girls Lemonade Stand Because They Didn’t Get Health Permit, at These two young entrepreneurs learned a great lesson about what the greatest impediment to their success will be, government intervention. The good news is they did what we all do when it comes to government regulation, they found a way around it. The cop said this, We just have to enforce ’em, we don’t write ’em.” This is the problem. There laws regulating everything. Police Chief Clyde Carter stated this gem, “It’s illegal to sell lemonade without a permit. But we didn’t tell them to shut down, we just asked them to get a permit.” I have a question for Chief Carter. If they wouldn’t have gotten a permit, would you have shut them down or let them continue. I think verbal sleight of hand artist Chief Carter has a bright future in politics. “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force, like fire it is a dangerous servant…...”

House Approves New NSA Reform Measure, at Representative Thomas Massie got his amendment concerning collusion between the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the NSA, and the CIA concerning encryption standards. I know it’s hard to believe but these agencies were weakening encryption on consumer telecom services, so they could put back doors into the software for the purpose of spying on you without a warrant. “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force……”

U.S. Tech industry Appeals To Obama To Keep Hands Off Encryption, at Does this have anything to do with the above article? “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence…..”

Channel Stuffing The Economy: There Has Never Been More Cars “On The Sidelines“, at Cars are counted as sold when manufactures sell them to dealerships. So even though consumers haven’t purchased the cars they are still counted as sold. You can show increasing sales by stuffing your cars onto dealers lots.

20 Years Later, Bill Clinton’s Home Ownership For America Is Dead, at Lowering lending standards created demand for borrowed money to purchase housing. The Federal Reserve supplied this demand with electronically printed counterfeit money. This brought future consumption into the present. What will replace this future consumption when its time comes? If you look at the chart in the article, you can see the government induced boom and corresponding bust. This boom and bust shows how real future consumption was moved forward in time, followed by less demand as the future became the present. A lot of future demand for goods and services was and is being used up by mortgage payments. Fed counterfeiting and Keynesian government spending distorts markets, enriches those who receive the counterfeit money first, and wastes scarce resources.

The Simplest Way To Describe Keynesianism In One Photo, at Keynesian government spending takes water out of the deep end of the pool and dumps it into the shallow end.

Cartoons From The Burning Platform.

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Political Cartoons by Dana Summers