Posted tagged ‘Central Bank Ballance Sheets Explode In 2017’

Must Reads For The Week 4/29/17

April 29, 2017

Fannie Introduces “Innovative Solutions” Allowing Student-Debt-Laden Millennials To Buy a Home, at Government and it’s agents are creating debt-serfs for life. Unless the government forgives existing student loan debt. Of course tax payers will have to pay back the forgiven student loans. Heads they win tails we lose.

Puerto Rico Takes First Steps Toward Bankruptcy-ish Filing, at At a certain point it’s impossible to pay back the debt you incurred. The whole world, governments and individuals (read above), are heading in this direction. Thank you central banks of the world.

Why “Nothing Matters”: Central Banks Have Bought A Record $1 Trillion In Assets In 2017, at This is what we’ve been talking about forever. You can’t counterfeit and borrow your way to prosperity. This is how you steal from the future.

Yale Grad Students ‘Hunger Strike’ Apparently Involves Eating When Hungry, at A few observations about this article. 1) This reminds me of our school showing solidarity for the homeless by making their own shanty town. Students made their own shelters out of cardboard boxes. Except they moved the shanty town inside the gym because it was too cold outside. 2) A “hunger strike” involving eating is redefining the term “hunger strike”, Isn’t it? 3) The university administration said, ‘they understood the students concerns, but strongly urge that students not put their health at risk or encourage others to do so’. Administrators act like these college students are children. By definition “college students” are “adults”. We’re creating a generation of wimps!

Seattle Socialist Councilwomen Kshama Sawant Calls For Shutting Down Highways and Airport On May Day, at Seattle City Council unanimously passed a resolution proclaiming City workers have a right to request off on May 1, without retaliation, to attend May Day “celebrations” (mass protests). Councilwoman Sawant wants workers and protesters to shut down highways and airports on May Day. May Day was originally a European celebration of Spring. It has been taken over by Marxists, communists and socialists to promote their statist ideology under the guise of helping workers.

Why Politicians Win (And Workers Lose) Under Socialism, by Hans Hermann-Hoppe, at Excerpt from the article: “Socialism leads to the politicization of society….If people want to improve their income under socialism they have to move toward a more highly valued position in the hierarchy of caretakers. That takes political talent.

Under Socialized Medicine, The State Owns You, by Justin Murray, at Remember when Candidate Obama said in 2008, “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming America”? Well, here we are. Obamacare has moved us toward a government run single payer system. No bill the Republicans pass, short of repealing all of Obamacare, can change the fundamental transformation that has taken place. State bureaucrats will eventually have to ration healthcare. Which means “death panels”.

The Best History Of How We Got High Medical Prices and Obamacare, at This video explains Market prices vs. Government regulations.

Why We Have A 2nd Amendment: Venezuela Plans To give Firearms To Loyalists To Purge Growing Resistance, at Venezuela’s slow socialist march to the bottom is upon us. When socialism destroys a countries standard of living, the leaders only recourse, if you want to stay in power, is to literally kill the people their policies impoverished.

For The Left Socialism Denial Is Holocust Denial, by Robert Trancinski, at Socialist central planning has a track record of multiple millions of people being murdered (purged) when they don’t agree with the planners plans. Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Russia, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, Castro’s Cuba to name a few. So lets keep going down this socialist central planning road and see if the result is different! No thanks. Take a stand! Now!



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