Posted tagged ‘Government Is The Problem’

Student Debt: Game Of Loans. By Prager University

November 15, 2015

Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, “I’m from the Government and I’m here to help“. No words are truer when you consider student loan debt. What is portrayed as benevolent Government providing student loans to make college affordable, is a scam. The cost of college has risen because of all the money the government has provided. Government is stimulating the demand for college through easy to get college loans. And as we all know prices go up when too much money is chasing too few goods. The reality is these students become debt serfs to the government for years after they graduate.

This video titled, Game Of Loans, from Prager University, explains how Government has lined the pockets of colleges at the expense of students aka debt serfs.

Here is an excerpt from the video. “It’s because of politicians who promise college students more and more aid, in league with the colleges, that college tuition became more expensive in the first place.

Related ArticleYoung People Get Hooked Into Hugh Debt When They Take The Student Loan Bait, at

Related ArticleFollow Up To Student Debt Post: Government Creates The Problem, It Isn’t The Solution, at

Must Reads For The Week 1/10/15

January 10, 2015
The pen is mightier than the sword...

 The pen is mightier than the sword… (Photo credit: mbshane)

7 Things The Middle Class Can No Longer Afford, by Elizabeth Allen, at This partial list shows the gradual decline in the standard of living for the feudal serfs, although our feudal lords (people in Government, crony capitalists, and wall street banks) are doing quite well thank you.

For The First Time Since Gallop Started Polling, People Say The ‘Biggest Problem’ In America Is ‘The Government‘, at We’re starting to crack the bolder about the myth of benevolent Government. Keep swinging the sledge-hammer.

Harvard Professors Are In An Uproar The Healthcare Advice They Gave Us Is Being Applied To Them, at “What! We have to abide by the rules the serfs have to follow! I thought we were a part of the ruling aristocracy!”

Minimum Wage Hike Forces Nonprofit Restaurant To Close, by Michael Saltsman, at I bet the Republican legislators are patting themselves on the back for how charitable they were to minimum wage workers when they raised the minimum wage. I have a math question for them, what’s zero times any number?

The Future Is Changing: South African Man 3D Prints A Working Lawn Mower, at We will not recognize the change that’s coming because we will be living inside the change. It will be incremental and therefore barely recognizable. You don’t notice how you’ve aged if all you do is look in the mirror everyday. But if you look at a picture of yourself from 20 years ago the change is obvious.

2015 Could Finally Be The Year We Can Cut The Cord, by Bryan M. Wolfe, at Another example of how things are changing. Cable and satellite TV are losing market share because of the advance of technology.

Uber Is Going To Eat Your Children: The Top Tech Trends Of 2015, Kevin Maney, at The Uber model is being tried in other industries. GlamSquad, BloomThat, and GreenPal are examples.

Towns Close Sledding Hills Because Of Liability Fears, at I guess all of us must be held responsible for the actions of particular individuals. This is what happened in the TARP bailout of 2008. Wall street was bailed out of their irresponsible actions by the tax payers.

Acceptance Rates At US Medical  Schools Reveals Discrimination Against Asians And Whites, by Mark J. Perry, at carpediemblog. Acceptance standards for medical school applicants are being lowered. When you lower standards, you get lower quality. As Thomas Sowell says, “Lowering standards for those unable to meet them only endangers the very benefits those standards produce. Standards do not exist for no reason.”

Sharyl Attkisson Sues Administration Over Computer Hacking, by Howard Kurtz, at Sharyl Attkisson is a journalist who isn’t going to be intimidated by Government officials. This push back against Government encroachments on our freedoms is hopefully gaining momentum.

The Most Powerful Image About “Radical Muslims” And “Radical Christians“, by Steve Straub, at The contrast between the two is 180 degrees apart.

Cartoonists React To Charlie Hebdo Massacre With Ink And Pen: by Steve Straub, at “The pen is mightier than the sword.” Here are a few examples.



