Posted tagged ‘Idaho licensing Laws’

Must Reads For The Week 6/17/17

June 17, 2017

It’s Confirmed: Without Government Subsidies, Tesla Sales Implode, at There is no market for Tesla vehicles without taxpayer-funded Government subsidies. Elon Musk = welfare recipient.

The Collapse Of Penn Station: Another Failure Of Government “Enterprise“, by Gregory Bresiger, at Of course the answer to this government failure is more taxpayer money.

“It’s Madness” – Massive Anti-Government Protests In Venezuela Worsen, Patterns Emerge, at Venezuela’s socialist experiment isn’t working out. I’m shocked!

Cuba Scrambles As Venezuela’s Oil Industry Collapses, at Cuba’s socialist regiem couldn’t succeed on its own. It received help from the communist Russia until Russia collapsed. Socialist Venezuela was next to help. Now it is collapsing. The lesson we should take from the history of Cuba, the Soviet Union and Venezuela is communist and socialist centrally planned economies don’t work.

U..S. Gives OPEC A Run For Its Money, at The American oil industry has prospered in spite of Obama era policies designed to get rid of fossil fuels. American shale and deep water drilling became profitable when oil was at $125 a barrel. Improvements in technology has now made them profitable at $40 a barrel. OPEC has lost its power.

U of M Climate Change Study Postponed Due To Climate Change, at I thought polar ice was melting at a rate that was supposed to have NY city under water by now? Now they can’t do a global warming study because the ice is too thick. Was the man made global warming narrative fake science, fake news or both?

An Idaho Makeup Artist Just Got The best Revenge, by Dustin Hurst, at There are licensing laws in Idaho to apply makeup? Seriously? It’s great that this makeup artist gets the last laugh.

Unable To Pay Bills, Illinois Sends “Dear Contractor” Letter Telling Firms to Halt Road Work On July 1, at You can’t spend more than you steal in taxes for an extended period of time, because eventually economic reality wins.

GREAT NEWS Misesian Named A Brexit Minister, at We need more Misesians infiltrating the progressive left strong holds.

EU Sues Poland, Hungary And Czech Republic For Refusing To Accept Refugees, at The Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary are not experiencing terrorist attacks like the other members of the EU, because they haven’t taken in refugees like other EU members have. So now the EU is suing them because of their decision to not commit slow suicide. One of the two sides in this dispute is really stupid.

Four Reasons Why College Degrees Are Becoming Useless, by Jonathan Newman, at The economic reality of getting a college education is now being felt. Does the future benefit of a college education out weigh its monetary and psychic cost?

The Two Sides Of Pope Francis, by Excerpt from the article: “The Popes themes are very much in the tradition of classical liberalism and its commitment to economic freedom: community, open social interactions, helping others, and jumble, transparent institutions. What is troubling about Pope Francis is that he spends much of his time traveling the world advocating (Marxist) polices that undermine these goals.

Lee Camp Explains How The New York Times Manufactures “Hit Piece Propaganda”, at How fake news is produced.

NBC News Just Defended Collective Farms In The Soviet Union, at The American left always sided with the collectivist economic policies of the Soviet Union. Even after the Soviet Union collapsed the American left’s excuse was that those policies weren’t tried by the right people. Namely them.

Women-Only Spa’s ‘No Male Genitals’ Rule Ignites Transgender Debate, at Here is the progressive left’s conundrum? Do transgenders rank higher on the progressives value scale than women? Identity politics can be difficult because you eventually have to choose between groups. But seeing people as individuals who have constitutional protection from government coercion makes decisions very easy.

Left Forum Cancels Lesbian Panel Questioning Trans Advocacy Funding, at Here is the progressive left’s conundrum? Do transgenders rank higher on the progressives value scale than lesbians? Identity politics can be difficult because you eventually have to choose between groups. But seeing people as individuals who have constitutional protection from government coercion makes decisions very easy.



