Posted tagged ‘Surveillance State Ramps It Up’

Must Reads For The Week 7/1/17

July 3, 2017


Three CNN Employees ‘Resign’ Over ‘Russia Collusion’ Fake news Retraction, at For anyone who pays attention, does this surprise you?

Project Veritas Videos Exposes CNN for Russian Fake News, at More evidence of media bias. As if we needed more.

Liberals Suddenly Silent When Man Arrested For Murder Of Muslim Girl Is….Illegal Alien, at This story fit the mainstream media narrative. Until it didn’t!

Why The Watergate Comparison Best Fits The Obama Administration, at The Obama administration illegally acquired information. They used it for political gain. Gov. agencies were used to bludgeon political opponents.


Jim Grant Explains The Gold Standard, by Ryan McMaken, at We need a gold standard to stop the growth of the federal government. Complex concept clearly explained by Jim Grant.

Why Sound Money Does Not Need A Central Bank, Only The Rule Of Law, by Patrick Barron, at Our fractional reserve banking system is a skimming operation which confiscates the value of your money. Like all counterfeiting operations the first receivers of the money benefit at the expense of everyone else.

The Money Velocity Myth, by Frank Shostak, at Great article explaining why the velocity of money has nothing to do with its purchasing power.

Get Ready For “QT1”: A First Look At The Fed’s Hidden Policy, at After nine years of QE, Quantitive Easing (pushing counterfeit money into the economy). The Fed is now starting a QT policy. Quantitive tightening (taking money out of the economy). QE stopped the housing bubble from completely bursting (correcting). Of course the housing bubble was caused by the Feds previous easy money policy. QT is what we need to cure the previous misallocation of resources. The recession brought about by the tightening policy will be blamed on Trump, not the Fed.


Since Seattle Placed A Tax On Guns And Ammunition, The City’s Violent Crime Rate Has Increased, at When you tax something you get less of that activity. The result of having fewer guns is the increase of violent crime.

Why The First 118 Miles For Te LA to SF Bullet Train Started In Fresno (?) And Could Cost $3.6 Billion More Than Expected, at When there is a pile of tax payer money being passed out, we shouldn’t be surprised that there would be corrupt politicians doing favors for people they know.

Wind Power Sounds Good In Theory, But Rural Residents Across America Are Voting Against It When They get A Chance, by Mark J. Perry, at carpediemblog. There are real problems with wind besides the fact that tax payers subsidize the purchase of expensive electricity.

The Age Of No Privacy: The Surveillance State Shifts Into High Gear, at No matter what laws are on the books protecting our right to be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects from government spying. Government officials usually find ways to ignore these laws.

New Device Allows Cops To Download All Of Your Smartphone Activity In Seconds, at Another example of unlawful searches and seizures.

Dentist Owed Over $200 Million In Illinois, at What we see happening to individual states and cities, will eventually happen at the Federal level.


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