Posted tagged ‘Immigration To The US’

Must Reads For The Week 10/3/15

October 2, 2015

Every time there is a mass shooting there’s one thing you can count on. The President will trot out in front of the cameras before the bodies are even cold and play politics. I wrote an article in December of 2012 after the Sandy Hook shootings titled “You Never Let A Serious Crisis Go To Waste” (click here). It showed the template politicians and radicals use to exploit a crisis. The President followed the template then, he has followed it religiously since then and he is following it now. I don’t even have to update this article, just read it as is.

Investing In Schools: Capital Spending, Facility Conditions, and Student Achievement, at Study by the National Bureau of Economic Research finds no evidence that capital sending by schools improves student achievement.

Pro-NYC Charter Schools Group Airs TV Ad, ‘Progressives’ Scream Racism, at Teachers Unions don’t care if children get a better education. They only care about growing the number of teachers, and the salaries and benefits of the teachers.

Milton Friedman – The Way To Improve Schools video from

Questions To Millennials: Why Are You Not Mad As Hell Yet? at Millennials are going to be stuck paying for their student debt, Obamacare, social security (that they will never see), early retirement for government workers, all the debt Government officials have piled up just to name a few. It is inter-generational theft. You should be pissed off at my generation for getting you into this mess, I know I am. The question is: What are we going to do about it?

UN Aims To Eradicate Extreme Poverty, Hunger, Illiteracy and More, at The UN panel of 27 eminent thinkers said the number one threat to achieving these goals is, drum roll please, climate change (aka global warming). It is easy to set dates on goals, when your excuse for not reaching these goals can never be denied.

The Dirty Truth About “Organic”, by Henry Miller, at If Government officials are involved in setting the standards for what constitutes organic, do you think organic could possibly be a scam?

Crony Socialism: Government Bailouts Do Not Save Jobs, by Doug Reich, at Businesses fail because the consumer has decided that they are not productive economic activities. Government officials bailing these businesses won’t change this reality. HT

From Ireland to Germany to Italy to Mexico: How Americas Source of Immigrants has Changed in Each State From 1850 to 2013, at Hat Tip to Carpe Diem Blog. It is interesting to see the changes in the country of origin of immigrants to the United States over the decades starting in 1850. In certain periods in history you would have thought we were being invaded by the Irish and later by the Germans. The difference is these immigrants weren’t immigrating to a welfare state.

“Bacha Bazi” Obama’s Silence On Afghan Military Raping Children, at All you multiculturalists who think that all cultures are equal and shouldn’t be judged, read this and tell me what you think. Our soldiers are being punished, by our military, for trying to stop child rape by Afghan military officers because it is part of their culture. Our guys should be receiving medals for stopping child rape.