Archive for April 2014

Observations From The Margin

April 30, 2014
Observation Tower

Observation  (Photo credit: mooglet)

The Federal Reserve electronically prints counterfeit money and loans it to member banks at zero percent interest. These banks purchase guaranteed investments, like U.S. T Bills, with this counterfeit money. When the bonds mature, they pocket the interest and pay back the borrowed counterfeit money. Why can’t you or I get a $100 million dollar loan from the Fed at zero percent interest, purchase 5 year U.S. T Bills at 1.6% interest, and after they mature, pocket $1.6 million after paying back the $100 million? Better yet, why can’t you or I counterfeit $100 million dollars, go through the above process, keep the $1.6 million of interest and burn the $100 million we counterfeited? Better yet, why can’t you or I just skip the 5 year process and counterfeit $1.6 million and use it immediately? The simple answer is, counterfeiting is theft and theft is illegal, except when the Fed counterfeits, then it’s legal. The truth is counterfeiting results in theft whether it’s legal or illegal.

This article titled, Alaskan P0lar Bears Threatened…By Too Much Spring Ice, leaves me scratching my head. I thought polar bears were threatened by melting sea ice because of global warming. Apparently if the ice is too thick, ringed seals, which are the polar bears favorite meal, can’t create the breathing holes they need to survive the frigid winter. The male seals mysteriously arrive in the early spring for the purpose of breeding, which is curiously about the same time the female polar bears are emerging from their maternity dens with their cubs, having not eaten for six months. So should I be for global cooling or global warming?

I read a story about 40 veterans dying after the VA  put them on a secret waiting list for the purpose of making the VA wait list times look better. Bureaucrats at the Government run VA decided that looking competent, as opposed to being competent, was more valuable to them than the lives of these veterans. Welcome to Government run healthcare. This is an example of death panels, and what we can look forward to as Obamacare is incrementally forced upon us. Death panels are nothing more than third-party bureaucratic decisions makers making trade offs under a different set of incentives and constraints than the patient and the doctor normally operate under. No one should be surprised by this, unless you are a true believer in the government’s ability to create a utopian world.

The EPA is going to regulate the greenhouse gases emitted when cows burp and fart (read here). I was very sceptical when I heard about this because I thought it was probably a parody from The Onion. I searched The Onion for any article about cow farts and there were none. Sometimes you can’t even make this stuff up.

The FDA is getting its regulatory foot in the door concerning E-Cigarettes. Health advocates and their puppets in congress want the FDA to go farther. But they shouldn’t worry, we all know this is the first goose step of many more goose steps to come. E-Cigs are a safe way for people who are addicted to nicotine to get their fix while reducing the chance of cancer. Shouldn’t the FDA and the CDC be promoting this safer way to inhale nicotine? Don’t cities and counties across the US have needle exchange programs? Isn’t the purpose of these programs to reduce the chances of getting HIV or hepatitis C while the addict enjoys the drug of his choice. Government prohibits safe addiction on the one hand, and promotes safe addiction on the other. What am I missing here?


Must Reads For The Week 4/26/14

April 26, 2014


The pen is mightier than the sword...

 The pen is mightier than the sword… (Photo credit: mbshane)

Markets In Everything: A 3D Printed Hand For Less Than $50, by Mark J. Perry, at This replaces a prosthetic arm that cost $42,000. If politicians really wanted health care to become “affordable”, they would have never passed the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Instead they would have repealed all laws regulating health care and health insurance. This would have allowed the market to simultaneously bring prices down while increasing the quality of healthcare. Obamacare will provide a longer wait for lower quality care at a higher price.

18 Spectacularly Wrong Apocalyptic Predictions Made Around The Time Of The First Earth Day In 1970, Expect More This Year, by Mark J. Perry, at Using climate science to predict the future of the earth, is just like using a persons palm to predict his future. Both are confidence games.

Video: Matt Rosendale Is A True Patriot, at Great political ad.

Courts Uphold Drivers’ Right To Tip Off Other Motorists To Police Speed Traps, at Cops say the purpose of speed traps is  traffic safety, not revenue enhancement. So shouldn’t they be happy that drivers are slowing down when they are flashed by on coming drivers.

Obama’s Green-Energy Boondoggles Leave The Tax Payer In Red, by Justin Sykes, at Quoting Robert Bradley Jr., “When government tries to pick winners and losers, it typically picks losers. Why? Because the free market consumers pick winners to leave the losers for government.”

Elderly Man Beaten By Police, by Lauren Pozen, at This man is being charged with assaulting a police officer, what did he do head butt the cop. This is another example of why you should take care of problems yourself instead of calling police.

BASE Jump From Worlds Tallest Building, by Skydive Dubai. No words necessary, just watch the video.

The Logical Progression Of “Public Accomodation”, by Jim Fedako, at Excerpt from the article, “… those who cheer the growth of government when it abuses someone else need to realize that what goes around, comes around…Ludwig von Mises noted that either negative rights to person and property are enforced or we are on the slope to slavery: there is no middle way. Think you can pick a stopping point mid-slide? Good luck. The guy riding the slide in front of you is waxing away.”



147345 600 New relevant SAT cartoons



Capitalism vs. Crony Capitalism

April 23, 2014

Many people who decry capitalism do so from a position of ignorance of what capitalism really is. They look at the market system that exists in the U.S. today and mistakenly call it capitalism. Our present economic system is not free market capitalism, it is crony capitalism. Crony capitalism is a branch on the same central planning tree that includes socialism and fascism. In a true free market capitalist system, businesses wouldn’t be able to lobby government to pass laws that protect their position in the market and raise the costs on their present and future competitors, because government wouldn’t have the power to make these rules. Under free market capitalism businesses are incentivized to first serve their fellow-man before they can profit in any way. They must produce a good or service that consumers will freely exchange a portion of their labor for. Under crony capitalism businesses are incentivized to protect their own self-interest at the expense of the consumers and tax payers who are usually the same people.

Here is a video titled,  Why Capitalism Works, from Prager University, featuring George Gilder. He talks about the role of the entrepreneur in free market capitalism, as well as the incentive of giving before you receive.



The problem with how people perceive an economy is they don’t understand that a utopian world can’t be created on earth. The first rule of economics, scarcity, combined with the imperfections of man, make a utopian world impossible. The real question should be: What economic system can use limited means to supply the most ends for the most people? Put another way: In a world of scarce means and unlimited ends, which economic system can satisfy the most desires, with the knowledge that many desires will remain unmet? Free market capitalism,  produces the best possible result. History shows the branches of the central planning tree, whether it’s called crony capitalism, socialism, fascism, progressivism, communism, et al, produce a system were people have a lower standard of living and less individual freedom. A free market is nothing more than individuals freely producing, consuming and exchanging what they want, and in whatever quantities they want. Any interference by government, no matter how small, in the freedom of the individual to produce, consume, and exchange, moves an economic system down the central planning road, which is what Hayek called, “the road to serfdom”.

Related Video – Walter E. Williams, The Free Market Is Not Allowed To Work, by

Related ArticleWe Can’t Recreate The Garden Of Eden, by

Related Video Milton Friedman vs. Phil Donahue, Greed Is In The Eye Of The Beholder, by

Related ArticleUnleash The Mind, by George Gilder, by

Must Reads For The Week 4/19/14

April 19, 2014
The pen is mightier than the sword...

 The pen is mightier than the sword… (Photo credit: mbshane)

Shortest US Graduation Speech Ever? Nobel Economist Thomas Sargent”s List of 12 valuable Economic Lessons, by Mark J. Perry, at All graduates should know these.

Kshama Sawant On Why It’s Time For Socialism In Seattle, by Rachel Soloman, at At least Dshama Sawant admits she’s a socialist unlike most Democratic politicians and a lot of Republican politicians. She ran for office on raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour, taxing the wealthy, and rent control. These policies lead to fewer low wage workers being hired, less wealth producing activities, and an artificial shortage of rental units. Socialism doesn’t trump supply and demand. I bet you can’t get through 4 minutes of this nonsensical drivel.

Why Some Doctors Are Bypassing And Going Cash-Only, by Susan Abram, at Quote from the article, “I’ve encouraged those who want to do it,” she said. “I’ve offered to help them. Most of them feel trapped by the system. It’s really quite sad. They are not happy doctors. I encourage them to get the government out of the room…..“I had to do this to be able to do my job,” said Dr. Marcy Zwelling who has been an internist since 1987. “I get to practice the way I think I can practice best. It’s capitalism at its best.” I saw this at

Time Lapse of the Lunar Eclipse, Blood Moon, April 15, 2014

The Educational Wit And Wisdom Of George Carlin On “Saving The Planet”, by Mark J. Perry, at This is really good.

Social Security Stops Trying To Collect On Old Tax Payer Debts, at We can push back against government overreach.

Jesus Lived In A Police State, by John W. Whitehead, at Excerpt from the article, “Unfortunately, the radical Jesus, the political dissident who took aim at injustice and oppression and was nailed to a cross as a warning to others, has been largely forgotten today, replaced by a congenial, smiling Jesus trotted out for religious holidays but otherwise rendered mute when it comes to matters of war, power and politics.”




Tax Form 1040 From 1913: Look How Far We’ve Come

April 16, 2014

Yesterday was April 15 the tax filing deadline. I bet you were in a great mood. So to cheer you up I thought you would like to know what the original 1040 tax form looked like. The 1913 form 1040, complete with instructions can be seen here.

Here are the original tax rates and income brackets.

1% of income over $20,000 but not exceeding $50,000

2% . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $50,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$75,000

3% . . . . . . . . . . . . . $75,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,000

4% . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250,000

5% . . . . . . . . . . . . .$250,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500,000

6% . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I bet you wish these were the rates today, and the form was this simple to fill out.

The people who passed the 16 amendment were either duped or stupid. In their wildest dreams they could have never imagine it would lead to the almost incomprehensible 73,954 page tax code that we have today.

This graph is from Wolters Kluwer CCH, is shows the growth in the tax code since its inception in 1913.

CCH Standard Federal Tax Reporter Tax Law Pile Up 2013

Here are the tax rates and income brackets today. We should be proud of how far we have evolved, or devolved, in the last 100 years.

2013 Tax Brackets (for taxes due April 15, 2014)

Tax rate Single filers Married filing jointly or qualifying widow/widower Married filing separately Head of household
10% Up to $8,925 Up to $17,850 Up to $8,925 Up to $12,750
15% $8,926 to $36,250 $17,851 to $72,500 $8,926 to $36,250 $12,751 to $48,600
25% $36,251 to $87,850 $72,501 to $146,400 $36,251 to $73,200 $48,601 to $125,450
28% $87,851 to $183,250 $146,401 to $223,050 $73,201 to $111,525 $125,451 to $203,150
33% $183,251 to $398,350 $223,051 to $398,350 $111,526 to $199,175 $203,151 to $398,350
35% $398,351 to $400,000 $398,351 to $450,000 $199,176 to $225,000 $398,351 to $425,000
39.6% $400,001 or more $450,001 or more $225,001 or more $425,001 or more
Read more:
This is yet another example of why we should never believe politicians and bureaucrats when they tell us that giving them more power will benefit us. What kind of monstrosity do you think the 2500 page Affordable Care Act will grow into? How stupid will future generations think we were for passing it into law?

Walter E. Williams Explains The Long, Tragic, Ugly Story Of Government,

April 15, 2014

In a recent article by Walter Williams titled, How To Assist Evil, he makes the point that since the beginning of the 20th century,  170 million people have been killed by their own government, where as only 60 million were killed in wars. When it comes to killing your own citizens we always think of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany. Unfortunately it was just one of the many examples of Government atrocities against their citizens.

Here are some excerpts from the article.


“Though the Holocaust ranks high among the great human tragedies, most people never consider the most important question: How did Adolf Hitler gain the power that they needed to commit such horror?

“Through the Enabling Act (1933), whose formal name was “A Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich,” Hitler gained the power to enact laws with neither the involvement nor the approval of the Reichstag, Germany’s parliament……It was decent Germans who made Hitler’s terror possible – Germans who would have never supported his territorial designs and atrocities.”


“….since the beginning of the 20th century, governments have killed 170 million of their own citizens. top killers were the Soviet Union, which, between 1917 and 1987, killed 62 million of its own citizens, and the People’s Republic of China, which, between 1949 and 1987, was responsible for the deaths of 35 to 40 million of its citizens. In a distant third place were the Nazis, who murdered about 16 million Jews, Slavs, Serbs, Czechs, Poles, Ukrainians and others deemed misfits, such as homosexuals and the mentally ill.”

“We might ask why the 20th century was so barbaric. Surely, there were barbarians during earlier ages. Part of the answer is that during earlier times, there wasn’t the kind of concentration of power that emerged during the 20th century.”


“….The more power a government has, the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite, and the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects…..the elite’s use government to dupe and forcibly impose its will on the masses. The Masses are always duped by well-intentioned phrases….what German could have been against “A Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich”?….and who could be against the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”?” 

“We Americans ought to keep the fact in mind that Hitler, Stalin and Mao would have had more success in their reign of terror if they had the kind of control and information about their citizens that agencies such as the NSA, the IRS and the ATF have about us…”

The Road To Serfdom, by F.A. Hayek was written in 1944. It is a book that answers the question Dr. Williams asks in his article. Hayek lived in Germany during the time before Hitler came into power. He explains how the concentration of power just doesn’t lead to serfdom, it is the road to serfdom.

Related Article, Terminus On The Road To Serfdom, by D.W. MacKenzie, at

Here is The Road To Serfdom, at

Here is The Illustrated Road To Serfdom , at











Must Reads For The Week 4/12/14

April 11, 2014
The pen is mightier than the sword...

 The pen is mightier than the sword… (Photo credit: mbshane)

Equal Occupational Fatality Day Will Occur On December 20 2023, by Mark J. Perry, at When it comes to work related deaths, a huge gender gap exists that needs to be addressed. Women earn only 7.7% of the fatalities on the job, compared to the 92.3% of the fatalities that men collect. Why aren’t women’s rights groups and opportunistic politicians screaming for equality in this area?

The Value Of A Taxi Medallion In NYC Has Increased 5X Faster Than The S&P 500, by Mark J. Perry, at It’s simple supply and demand. When supply is restricted it makes a scarce resource artificially more scarce. The price has to go up in order to ration the scarce resource. Quote from the article, “In fact, there are fewer NYC taxi medallions today (13,605) than there were in 1937 (16,900) when the medallion system first created the NYC taxi cartel.” Ultimately the free market rides to the rescue of the consumer. Read this quote, “… the app-driven ridesharing genie is out of the bottle” and too many consumers in too many cities have “gotten a taste” of the convenience and affordability of ridesharing services like Uber and Lyft, and they’ll never want to go back to the traditional taxi cartel model….”

Former Obama Girl Finds The Light, by Chris Rossini, at I’ve found that many young people are starting to naturally move toward the libertarian ideology. This is good news because young people have more energy, are more tech savvy, and aren’t as risk averse compared to us older people. They will lead the way toward individual freedom and away from big government. Our job is to mentor them, not tell them what to do.

Is Paul Krugman The New Economic Adviser In Rahmaland? at Funny video about the economic benefits of not fixing potholes. It is a version of the broken window fallacy.

Consumer Spending “Recovery” Stalls As Pent Up Demand Fails To Appear, at When will we learn that in an unhampered free market, spending {consumption} doesn’t create wealth, stimulate production, or make an economy grow. Spending {consumption} can only happen as a result of production. You can’t consume something that hasn’t been produced. In a hampered market counterfeiting money can bring about consumption before production. But ultimately counterfeiting destroys wealth, misallocates scarce resources into areas of production that can’t be sustained, and slows or shrinks economic growth.

The Game Is Up For Climate Change Believers, by Charles Moore, at People are starting to see through the man-made global warming hoax.

I saw these cartoons at

146504 600 How To Deter Putin cartoons

146712 600 Saving for Retirement cartoons


The “Equal Pay Day” Canard

April 9, 2014

Thomas Sowell

I have read Thomas Sowell’s analysis concerning this topic since I stumbled upon his writings in 1995. I thought he had driven as stake through the heart of  “the gender pay gap” myth. I wasn’t going to post anything about this topic, but reading and listening to the news this week has changed my mind. Since I couldn’t possibly cover this topic as authoritatively or as eloquently as Thomas Sowell, I’m not even going to try. I’m going to let him do it in his own words.


Here is an excerpt from my favorite book, Knowledge and Decision, which Dr. Sowell wrote in 1980:

“With women the key variable is marriage. Even before “affirmative action” quotas, women in their thirties who worked continuously since high school earned slightly more than men in their thirties who worked continuously since high school. In the academic world, where many discrimination charges have been filed under affirmative action, female academics earned slightly more than male academics when neither were married  – again even before “affirmative action” – and unmarried female Ph.D.’s who received their degrees in the 1930’s and 1940’s became full professors in the 1950’s to a slightly greater extent than did unmarried male Ph.D’s of the same vintage. In short, the male-female differences in incomes and occupations are largely differences between married women and all other persons….the clear-cut income parity (or better) among women who never married suggests once again that systemic variables have more to do with the statistics than the intentional decisions at the work place at which the statistics were collected.”

He wrote this in 1980 so it’s safe to say that the gender pay gap canard was used as a political bludgeon for many years prior to 1980.


Dr Sowell is discussing the gender pay gap issue in this video from 1981.

Click, Firing Line – Thomas Sowell  w/ William Buckley Jr. 1981, to watch the whole show.


Here is an article by Thomas Sowell titled, The Real ‘War On Women’. It was written in 2012, and covers the same gender pay gap fallacy. Here are some excerpts form the article.

“The old — and repeatedly discredited — game of citing women’s incomes as some percentage of men’s incomes is being played once again, as part of the “war on women” theme.”

“When you compare women and men in the same occupations with the same skills, education, hours of work, and many other factors that go into determining pay, the differences in incomes shrink to the vanishing point — and, in some cases, the women earn more than comparable men.”

“But why let mere facts spoil the emotional rhetoric or the political ploys to drum up hysteria and collect votes?”


Here is a video of Thomas Sowell in 2008 on,Uncommon Knowledge, with Peter Robinson, talking about Gender Bias and Income Equality.


In Economic Facts And Fallacies, Chapter 3 titled, Male-Female Facts And Fallacies, covers gender pay gap and much more. Here is an excerpt form the chapter.

“Even when women and men earn the same incomes in the same occupations, differences in the distribution of the sexes among different occupations lead to differences in their average incomes.

“In principle it does not matter whether the attorney is male or female but, in practice, with women more often than men carrying the burden of domestic responsibilities for children and the care of the home, careers that involve much unpredictable night and weekend work are less attractive to women. Having it all – a career and a family and an upscale lifestyle- is fine but doing it all is often harder for a woman, given the usual division of domestic responsibilities between the sexes and the inevitable differences in childbearing.”

“Moreover since men are never pregnant, women are disadvantaged in such work by the physical limitations of pregnancy, which can be work limitations as well in obs that require long, irregular and unpredictable hours,….”

Related ArticleThe New, Old, Buzz Words, “Income Inequality”, at

Related ArticleIncome Inequality II: Increase The Minimum Wage, at








Tiger Drops Out Of Masters + Ticket Prices Fall = Value Is Subjective.

April 7, 2014

File:Tiger Woods Masters 2006.jpg


This article titled, Masters’ Ticket Prices Drop In Wake Of Tiger”s Absence, by Dan Wetzel, at, shows that value is not objective it is subjective. Value exists in the mind of each individual, it does not exist in an object. I could produce the best mouse trap ever invented for a price of x, but if no one is willing to pay x,  it has no value to anyone other than me. If you offered a sports fan  free tickets to either Saturdays third round at the Masters, or Saturdays Final Four games, he would make the decision based on which event he valued more, not on the monetary value of the tickets.


What does the drop in the price of the tickets mean? It doesn’t mean that people don’t value the Masters tournament, it just means that some people value it less when Tiger is not playing. After a bad back forced Tiger to withdraw from a tournament a month ago, demand for Masters tickets started to slow as people began to speculate that he wouldn’t play in this years Masters. Demand really dropped off when he officially withdrew from the Masters. This drop in demand revealed itself as the price for tickets began falling. The law of supply and demand is always in play, and in this case it says; if demand is low and the supply is fixed, the price will fall, and conversely if demand is high and the supply is fixed, the price will rise.


When you hear people say “they wouldn’t pay a particular athlete a particular amount of  money”, or “this athlete isn’t worth that much”, they obviously don’t understand subjective value, or supply and demand. The reason Tiger gets paid more than any golfer is because the value he creates is in high demand. There is a high number of people who value what he produces. Put simply, when there is a fixed supply of Tiger Woods, and a high demand for him, his price rises. If there weren’t enough consumers to voluntarily pay for the value they subjectively think Tiger produces for them, he wouldn’t get paid these “outrageous” sums of money. The consumer ultimately sets all prices in the process of production, and this includes the wages or salaries of all workers. So if you think certain professions don’t get payed enough, blame the greedy consumer, and if you think other professions get paid too much, blame the generous consumer.

Related Article – In a previous post, Ticket Scalping; The True Free Market In Action, we talked about voluntary exchanges from the stand point that each person involved in the exchange values what they receive more than what they give up, or no exchange would take place. Value is increased in voluntary exchanges.

Related ArticleSpontaneous Order = Free Market Economy, by

Related ArticleSpontaneous Order Utilizes More Knowledge Than Central Planning Could Ever Hope To Utilize, by

Related ArticleSpontaneous Order More Complex Than Top Down Planning, by

Related ArticleSpontaneous Order Demonstrated By Traffic With No Signals, by


Must Reads For The Week 4/5/14

April 5, 2014
The pen is mightier than the sword...

The pen is mightier than the sword… (Photo credit: mbshane)

Did You Hear The One About The Doctor Who Posts His Prices Online?, by Steven Lang, at Obamacare is creating a true free market in healthcare, that will exist as a black market if the Government tries to stop it from forming. I think we will end up with a Government run system consisting of medicade, medicare, and Obamacare, on the one hand, and a free market system on the other.  Obamacare will be used as the vehicle to increase taxes, {or fines in the words of Justice Roberts}, on productive people in order to fund the Government run system, or put another way, redistribute wealth in order to buy votes. I saw this article at

Wisconsin Budget Surplus Nears $1 Billion, by Scott Bauer, at Republicans want to give the money back to the tax payers, who produced it, and Democrats want to spend it as if they produced it. I saw this article at

EPA Conducted Pollution Experiments On Children, by Kerry Picket, at You shouldn’t trust people with power.

Navy SEALs Skydive Into Stadium, by Elizabeth Kreft, at the Video from the helmet camera.

IRS Contempt For Subpoena, Fox News Video, at The break down of the rule of law happens when the law doesn’t apply to people in power.

California Measure SCA 5: “Forget Merit Let’s Bring Back Quotas“, at In a free market system individuals are rewarded based on the value they produce, whether that value comes from talent, skill, or hard work. This is how it should be as this article, Should The NBA, WNBA, And NFL Get A Grade Of A+ For The Racial Diversity Of Their Players vs. The U.S. Population, by Mark J. Perry, at, shows. Our constitution sees each person as an individual, not as a member of a group. Politicians see each person as a member of a group, not as an individual.

State Senator To Second Amendment Supporter; “Go F*** Yourself”, by Michael Lofti, at Where I’m from, saying “go F*** yourself” to somebody isn’t a free good. If you don’t respond in kind, your the wimp. Politicians like Senator Miller think there are no consequences for their actions.


I saw this at

I saw this at